Ceramic Series
October 8th and October 15th, 2022: 5:30pm-7pm
Ceramic Series
October 8th and October 15th, 2022: 5:30pm-7pm
Slab Method
October 5th and October 12th, 2022 from 2pm-3:30pm
Come join us!
We’re excited to offer this glass class where you’ll learn to cut and assemble colored class pieces.
Saturday, September 10th 2022 (9am-12pm). $40/person.
Sign up now as spaces are limited!
Saturday, September 3rd 9am-12pm! Come join us!
Contributed by Cindy Sagawa
Students were challenged to find a famous painting they could re-create, using found items at home. They could be in the “painting” or have a family member be part of the composition. It could be any choice of painting, landscape, still life, portrait. They were to consider the details of the painting and how the composition was laid out.
As we come to a close on 2020, our keiki want to thank Lanai essential workers for their contributions to our community!
Your Art Center Gallery has reopened its doors! We are open Monday through Saturday from 10:00-4:00. We are so looking forward to seeing your beautifully masked faces again!! Membership is easy and just $35/individual and $60/household up to FOUR! Access to ceramics, the woodshop, LAVA and more classes as they come up; including Glassblowing classes just ’round the corner! A hui hou!!
We still have PUMPKINS available for our ANNUAL CARVING CONTEST.
A BIG MAHALO to our Pine Isle family for their donation to the Art Center and the community in bringing back the pumpkin season!
This year, we’re going COVID style, so the contest looks a little different:
1. Come to the Art Center any time and pick out your pumpkin (supplies are limited, so come soon!) Pumpkins are located outside due to temporary closure.
2. Sign out your pumpkin on the contact sheet and Venmo your much-appreciated donation to: @LanaiArt-Center from the app or from Venmo website: www.venmo.com/LanaiArt-Center
3. Take your pumpkin home and create your special design
4. Post your pics (before, during and/or after) on our Facebook page facebook.com/lanai.art , tag us on your page @lanai.art and/or post and tag on Instagram: lanaiartcenter
5. On October 30th, we will announce the top three winners based on online votes so let everyone know to go online and thumbs up your post!
PRIZES: Top Three Winners will receive a Lei and a one-year household membership!! A $75 Value!!
Can’t wait to see all the great posts!!!!
Lanai Art Center is pleased to present renowned artist, Janet Bocast, who is visiting from Oregon to present a 2 day painting workshop.
“I started painting in the 70’s while living in Alaska. I use acrylic, watercolor and mixed media. I owned an art gallery in Oregon for 10 years. I’ve been teaching art workshops in Oregon for 15 years. I love it. I keep my classes fun and the students engaged during the process. My abstracts are known for being bold, colorful, abstract shapes and design. I engage in commission work for homes and offices, and special events. I am semi retired but still do commission work and teach.”
Beginners to Intermediates will learn to use shapes, texture and color to create beautiful paintings. This “no rules” fun and unconventional workshop will show you how to have fun, loosen up, and develop your own style. Explore color, composition, and abstraction with acrylic on watercolor paper.
This 2 day workshop will be held March 14 & 15, 10-4, at LHES Art Room T-104
Cost is $135 general public or $108 LAC members (20% discount). All materials included.
Due to the highly individualized attention given to each student, only 8 participants will be able to attend so don’t delay, sign up today. You can sign up at the Art Center or simply click here to reserve your spot. We don’t get opportunities like this very often on Lanai!
Create fun and useful items from recycled bottles! Maria will assist you with ideas, molds, and embellishing techniques.
This 2 day event starts Friday, March 6 at 5PM. At that time you will assemble your treasure and prepare it for firing in the kiln. The following day at 10AM, you will marvel as your items come out of the kiln and you complete your masterpiece.
Available to all over 12 years of age, but limited to 8 participants due to space constraints.
$30 for the general public. LAC members enjoy a 20% discount – only $24 to attend.
Sign up soon, this WILL sell out! Come in to the Art Center or simply click here to sign up online.